WHAT A FREAKIN TURNOUT!!! Saturday night had to have been one of the coolest nights I've ever experienced. Yes, it was awesome to be the centre of attention. Anyone who knows me, understands that I strive for that, ha ha ha. But this was way more than that. I've never been so touched in all my life.
Saturday night brought poker to a new level for me. A group of closer people in my life set up a poker fundraiser for me to help raise money for this Olympic dream you've been following me with. And what a fundraiser it was. Payouts were for the top 5 places with the winner taking home $720. Friends, family, and just poker lovers came out to support.
Yes, I sat and played. Partly, I was hoping to walk away with some of the pot winnings, but mostly to talk with the people that are supporting me. I caught up with friends at the table and also got a chance to meet others and exchange stories. But did I ever have the shakes playing. I got hot/cold flashes, my nerves were all over the place, my heart rate elevated.....I felt like I was going through........... menopause?!?!!! All my sports have helped me with the ability amp myself up to explode out in a race. But poker is like the Tour de France-tactical and calm waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Man oh man was there some solid poker players. One in particular that stands out in my mind was a woman dressed in a hoody and shades. No smiles, barely any talk, just business. And did she take care of business picking off players one by one. Players were dropping hundreds of dollars in re-buyin, and she just took it right back from them. Finishing 2nd, she was one of the bests to watch.
Something that has to take note is my "Lovely Ladies". What a perfect set-up these women had. The poker guys didn't stand a chance. My fit club ladies, and hockey/track moms did an amazing job of selling....tickets. 50/50 tickets, raffle for Leafs tickets, and raffle for a Texas mickey of Grey Goose were all up for grabs. No one stood a chance against them... Imagine hot women selling booze, women selling buy-ins, women giving food, women selling tickets, I LOVED IT. One notable woman had a great talent of selling arm-length of tickets. She gave a great deal when you bought the both arms....lets just say it was chest-ac-ular!!!!
During the draw prizes winners who won truly deserved it. The Goose went to a poker guy who when first arrived took one look at the bottle and said "I'm winning that", and was determined to do so. The 50/50 draw went to a family who did something amazing and donated it right back to me. Which is why, somehow by the gods of Karma she won the Gold Seats Leaf tickets (face value $200/ticket). Thank you Kelly and George.
But I knew this poker night would be a success when I received a card from a family with two kids, one in grade 6 the other in grade 2 that participated in my cross country program this fall. Within the letter there were two other personal notes from the kids saying thank you and good luck to me, each having placed money from there own pockets in there. Ya, I broke down with that one.
Thank you to everyone who came out. Thank you to my planners: Margaret, Jeanine, George, and Ann.
Thank you to my helpers: Lissa, Alanna, Marlene, Will, Kelly, Sunny, and Rocky.
Thank you to my donators, Karen B, Karen S, Sharon, Rod and Sherri, Anna, Pat and Peter, Bill, Mike, Dermot and Katie, Evonne, Amanda and Zac, Nancy, Grant, Naomi, Carrie, Marry, Melissa and Paul, Kim and Brian, Andrew and Liam, Dad and mom, Bobbo, mAnne-train, Megs, Ann and Paul, Jeanine and Sam, Margaret, Dave, Jan and Alana, Kelly and George, Julia James Will and Maddie, Tara, Tammy, my Mom and Dad, all the poker people,
Thanks again to the poker players, who came out to support me.
I hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did it wasn't my intention. Thank you, thank you all. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I can't express how grateful I am to this. To have this much support and people behind me, I feel untouchable. I don't feel pressure, but rather recharged with confidence and excitement.
I'm rocking out this year. I'm going faster than I ever have. Watch, read, and follow me along this path, because you've all helped me get here and I owe you all eternal gratitude.