Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Mortan International Meeting
Monday, July 23, 2012
Better Days
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Friday is prelims and Saturday is finals.
Friday 6:55MT
Saturday CBC 3:15 MT or
Thanks to for the support, in whatever way you want to show it!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
What a mixed emotions race. Some of me is happy and most just wants to cry. I mean Finally under 47 again! It took a bunch of races but I finally got under and back to really feeling confident. Also, yet extremely small (0.02),that race was a PB (personal best) for me. So I can't hate on it......but man, that race went went B standard. So it's like getting kicked in the nuts by a really hot girl....who gave you her number. You think, "Awesome, digits"...but "man kick in the nuts"! Big congrats to Geoff Harris who got the second B. Obviously I wish it was me, but he deserves it. He put in solid training and maximized on the races.
My goals haven't changed. I still want to run fast. I'm still aiming for 1:45. My confidence is there. I close hard and am making strong moves in the race. I'm just wasting energy all throughout the race. In and out of the pack, surges to get around people, running the 2nd 400 in lane two.... all these are showing me one thing, GET OUT IN THE TOP 3! I let these guys get in front in the first 200 and when I want to get going, they start going backwards. So it's a mission to get get around them and back with the leaders.
All us track runners want those races that you just follow the train and run fast. The ones where it just pulls you and you run fast. I'm in fast races, just not blazing races so i can't sit back. I need to get out and close hard. That's my thing I need to change.
I still have plenty of races to run fast. I just need to keep maximizing. Like I said I PB'd! Hells ya! You gotta take in the little things. But in reality, no time has been good enough. If it was I'd be hanging the spikes up and drinking margaritas with my "She Devils" having a blast. Haha. That may sound a little jaded but thats how the winners stay winning. Take the race, find the positives, fix what needs fixing, reevaluate and....ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
1:47.4...Not the standard
Tonight felt great. Despite the cold weather and wind, I was ready to run fast. I can't remember much except for the last 200m. I can remember 3 things from that point. 1. Geoff harris goes down
2. We were so bunched up there was nowhere to go
3. I came off the turn and put the hammer down
When I run this late it's freaking hard to sleep so you just think. It sucks thinking about things after. What if i had done this, what about that...bla bla bla. I'm wired from the napping, the caffeine, and pure adrenaline. So i just replay the race over and over. But I have to look at the positive. I know something is there, I feel super confident, and I finished 2nd in a race filled with Olympians, world championship competitors and people with far faster times than me. I raced some good competition and came out pretty well.
Post race I had my first drug test ever. Immediately after the race a guy comes up and tells me i've been selected. You then have 1hr before you have to check in with him, so you can get your cool down in and such (but you have to stay in site of them). So i finish my cool down and go into the drug test office. I down 4 bottles of water and after 20 min I feel it coming. I grab the cup, the guy follows me in and I pee with him staring at my junk. EXCEPT....I fill up 75ml and you must have 90. So i have to wait another 20min for my girl bladder to reload. Same thing again, the guys follows me in, looks at the goods and I fill a massive 30ml (totaling 95ml...I'm good) I pushed so hard I almost sharted. Hahaha. He then makes me drop the pants to the ankles and lift the shirt to make sure I have notyin to switch/tamper with the bottle then sends me on my way.
What an experience!
Up next is Indiana. Last shot before nationals. I love these close calls. I really feel like a great one is there, but I just can't buy a time. Saturday night, one more time to give it all.
Monday, June 11, 2012
what the fuck was I thinking? I had a simple plan, GET AFTER IT. I was going bang or bust. What did I do...? Fall asleep from 500-600m and let the fast guys gap me. Then I try and finish hard down the homestretch where everyone else did the same. What the fuck?!
Deep down I think I was a little scared. Scared of dying down the homestretch. Who the hell cares. maybe I would have pb'd maybe I would have died. Who knows.... Not me because I didn't commit.
same plan for wednesday but I'm actually going to do it.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Yes, I'm alive
2:52 Hammer Throw Women NTL
2:54 400m Women NTL
3:00 400m Men INV
3:04 Long Jump Women NTL
3:04 High Jump Men NTL
3:08 1500m Women NTL
3:16 1500m Men NTL
3:20 Javelin Men NTL
3:24 200m Men NTL PARA
3:30 100m Women INV
3:36 100m Men NTL
3:40 Jerome Outreach Award Presentations
3:48 800m Women NTL
3:56 800m Men NTL
4:04 100m Hurdles Women NTL
Thursday, May 17, 2012
<p>HOLY SHIT!!! <br>
That's all that's going through my head. Heat sheets are out for the OXY meet in California and it's perfect. This race is going Olympic A standard. I've been wanting a fast race all season and I got it. There are few times when track and field gives something to you. Tomorrow it's giving me a shot. Time to maximize. Think fast thoughts for me!
Watch live at
Section 3 Timed Finals
1 219 Kyle Smith Canada
2 190 Julius Mutekanga New Balance
3 222 Duane Solomon Saucony
4 187 Tyler Mulder Nike O T C
5 140 Andrew Ellerton Reebok
6 210 Alex Rowe Melbourne TC
7 212 Michael Rutt N J- N Y TC
8 176 Lopez Lomong Nike O T C
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Business in the Front
This past weekend I got a chance to rep the Red and White at the Penn Relays. I was on a Distance Medley Relay (DMR) team. It goes 1200m, 400m, 800m and 1600m. The field was 2 American teams, Australia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco and 2 Canuk teams. The two Canuk teams; Team Red and team black. Myself, Mike Robertson, Geoff Harris, and Pete Corrigan were Team Red. Red was known as the “B” team.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Roll With It
I'm in the Orange top inside lane
Watch more videos on Flotrack
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Take a look at the vid (I'm the Orange). I was around 1:53 through 800m. I made a strong move with 250m to go but what can I say....too little too late. Lincoln had a good surge early and when I finally got up to him held me off well. I need come off the turn HARD and BELIEVE that I can push through the line. The win would be great, but a PB's a PB. You can't be disappointed when you run faster than you have before. I ran well and closed hard. The way I look at it is my race is 200m less. I closed well in this, so I gotta have a stronger kick in an 800m!!!
4x400m was 3 hours later (yup long day waiting around). The order was Myself, Daren St.Clair, Andrew Ellerton, and Matt Lincoln. I opened in a 48.6.....I'll take it. And we went on to win in a 3:15 (2nd was 3:20). I started way out there in lane 7 with the closest guy to me in 4. As soon as the gun went we were in first and stayed there. ha ha. Not bad for a couple MD boys. Put us in a pack and I think I'd have a faster time.
Monday, March 12, 2012
This past weekend I've been K.O. Thursday was good; had a decent workout and a fine PM recovery run. I had a great meal- Steak, Quoinoa, and Beets. But Friday morning 2am...OH MAN I WAS HURTING!! Ran to the bathroom...and have you ever eaten beets.... boy was I in for a surprise. It was red!!!...WTF?!?!? But that was the least of my concern. I ended up getting food poisoning and spent the entire day in a clouded haze in bed or the toilet. I ate and drank basically nothing because I couldn't stomach a thing. Day 2 wasn't much better, I had nothing in my stomach but that didn't stop the cramps. "East Coast" said by day two my body smelt like the top floor of the geriatric ward....
Sunday was a new day, I sprang up and out of bed to the sound of East Coast head first in the toilet, then it hit me....No cloudy haze. Through the sounds of her suffering, I actually felt okay. I still had this bubble in my stomach and my appetite was light, but there was improvement. I was up and moving about. The end of the day I decide its time to try the legs out. My 4 mile run was okay. That balloon in my stomach stayed with me the entire run bouncing with every step, but it did deflated each step as well.....IT FELT GOOD!!!!
Tuesday is a workout day, lets see if I'm 100% ready to workout again.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 69: What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter
Back to the story. Today we had two sets of 800m specific. The first set was great. Great times, felt good (well except for the last 15metres). As soon as the first set was done I ripped my spikes off and pain surged through my ass and legs. Holy shit did I ever hit lactic acid. I probably had about 5minutes where I could barely walk. I slowly jogged the remaining rest to get it out.
Second set I choked a bit. I'm not sure if I died or just shut it down a bit (probably a little of both). Shit happens. and you can't dwell on it. You've got to pick the goods and the bad and fix what needs fixin'. Workouts come in shitty, decent and great. This was a decent one. Nothing spectacular but not shitty.
I've just got to get it in my head to not think of the next rep or next set. If I die, I die, but I'll never know if I can handle it if I hold back. It's not about "going to the well" for every workout, but about pushing through when shit gets tough.
It's almost there. Workouts are clicking, the speed is there, and Saturday will show me where my strength is. Either way its 16 weeks till the trials and even sooner till I need to be racing it's going to have to.
Monday, February 27, 2012
It's great though. I'm about 3 weeks to our opener, so the mileage is getting cut back and the intensity will continue to go up.
I love it though. I love that sting, I love that inability to move....this shit is awesome!!!!
P.S. Here's what I run in.....
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
As I sit here waiting for this flight it got me on a train of thoughts starting with starbucks and ending with friend and family that made me want to thank everyone for their support. I mean I have this little group of people that believe in me enough to get this fundraiser going, I've got friends that are just as poor as me coming out to play, people sending me wishes and donations,, a dad who sends me quotes each day to remind me and motivate each day as to what and why I'm doing this and family that's been with me since day one believing in me. I LOVE IT!!!!! I don't feel pressure with this either, rather a desire to push. I've got a community of support rooting for me. Pushing with me on my journey. HELLS YA BABY!!! Bring on the cold, bring on the snow, with everyone behind me, nothing can break me.
If you're interested in playing there are still a few tickets available for the event
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Tuesday was the next workout. The workout was 300 (3min) 200 (2min) 100, 10min 200 (2min) 100 (2min) 100 (2min). Everything was suppose to be fast. Up to this point all I've done is 30 second 200s (i.e. slow and steady). As I step on to the line for the workout, one thing crosses my mind...."F*ck it. Let's roll". I wanted to run fast, that was it. I finish the workout 36.8, 24.6, 12.4 24.3, 12.3, 12.0. HELLS FREAKIN YA!!!
Second workout was on Thursday - 7x 3min surges with 2min recovery on a trail. So basically 7x1000m. 3min surges is all about going to another place in the mind for as long as possible. That's the trick. Focus on a point on a loop and just stay with it. I rocked out well. Splits were anywhere from 4:50-5:10/mile pace. I'm pretty pumped with this workout because I've never done this many repeat 1kms in a workout. \
So that's two workouts down with one to go. WTF though. I've been in the fetal position in any time from not running. Everything hurts!! Hamstrings, quads, back, hips,.....face. EVERYTHING!!! Want to know how to hurt...Run balls to the walls in a workout when you've done nothing but 5-10km training. But it feels good. This kind of pain feels real good!!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
4 days of driving across the countries and I've landed here in Scottsdale, AZ for another year of training. It's under 6 months to go until the trials and man it's crazy. Crazy to think that all this work could become a reality. I'm excited, scared, nervous, name it I'm feeling it. And it's great. I want all these feelings because it's these feelings that are going to help me push my body to new limits. I need to find a half second in my training. A half second to cut my time to hit the Olympic Standard. Where will it come from?
It's all about different mindset and new limits.
The drive got me though. I was out of commission most of last week because of a cold. I ran 5 days out of the week. clocking an whopping 20 miles...ha ha ouch. (2 weeks prior I had logged a 70mile week). I was rundown, tired and a cloud of fog congested my head. But this is a new week and I'm feeling a lot better. I even had my first week of workouts with the team. Each day the cloud over my head cleared a little more and through the clarity the miles started to show.
off off
AM: surge
hill, SS downhill, 3min surge, 2 min SS (10minx3) 5:16, 5:31, 5:36 pace 6mile warmup/down PM: 2miles
weights +3 miles PM: 5 miles Total Mileage: 57
6,28 miles
easy run
AM: 2x
4-400m 65, 65, 63, 61 64, 64 1min rest 6mile warmup/down PM: 4 miles
weights +4 miles PM: 6.6miles
miles Total 57
Tuesday was rough. 30 min continuous running workout that involved a hill surge, 3min surge and steady state runs. Basically each loop took roughly 10min. What a day to come back. Let's just say it, I DIED!!! oh man it hurt so bad. I ended up getting passed by a couple girls in the workout. Yes, they're some of Canada's best distance girls, but none the less, it was frustrating.
Friday was the second workout. It was a hell of a lot better. I felt good and able to stick with the GUYS group....well for 6.
It's going to take a little bit to get back into the groove again but I have plenty of time. I got a down week this week to recover and recharge.
I'm not worried about things. If I'm going to get sick, now's the time to get it out of the way. It's about getting healthy and running fast now.